Bullying/Harrasment Policy

Revised December 2021

Bullying and Harassment at Jack and Jill Parent Participation Preschool refers to:

Improper conduct by an individual or individuals, that is directed at and offensive to another individual in the workplace, including at any event or any location related to work, and that the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known, would cause offence or harm to:

-children and families enrolled in our school

-our employees

Our Preschool is a Respectful Workplace

All teachers, students, and parents are expected to actively participate in developing and maintaining a respectful and positive work environment. A respectful workplace is characterized by:

– Polite behaviour: courteous and considerate behaviour towards others.

– Inclusion of all peoples with different backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles, abilities and opinions.

– Safety from disrespectful, discriminating, bullying and harassing behaviour, defamation (libel and slander), workplace violence and sexual misconduct.

– Constructive resolution of differences: differences are understood to be a fact of life and are managed through appropriate conflict resolution processes.

– Support: individuals are supported to learn and practice personal conflict resolution and respectful workplace skills.

Prompt action will be taken in regard to allegations of discrimination, bullying, harrasment of any kind, defamation (libel and slander), workplace violence or sexual misconduct. Action will be in the form of reports to law enforcement agencies where appropriate, and legal action where required.

This policy covers the wellbeing and safety of staff, students and members thru interpersonal interactions.

Any teacher or parent engaging in such acts will be subject to a range of disciplinary procedures up to and including dissmisal. Similarly, teachers who are aware of such acts, but fail to take appropriate action by be subject to discipline.

We adhere to the Work Safe BC guidelines